You know what I'm real passionate about right now... GRADUATION ! I'm so done with high school like I'm over it.
Every morning I wake up I think why do I have school still, why are teachers still giving us work and why is this month going by so slow. I waited 4 long years, faced some hard times and I'm just so ready to get my diploma and start my college experience. I got a cold because I'm sick of school. Its no other way to explain it, I say I'm tired of school for like the first 3 periods of the day.
Another thing I'm passionate/excited about is Rites of Passage and Prom ( clapping hand emoji). Rites of Passage is next week. I can not wait until the, I want to hear everybody get spoken for its going to be one of those sad moments. A lot of people in y graduating class have made a great change for the better and have matured more. I'm always curious about what the speakers for everyone are going to say. I'm excited for prom because come on who isn't. Everybody is going to look so nice; people are going to have on make-up, dresses, heels and the boys are going to look so handsome with there ties and suits. Its a beautiful thing to see how everyone has grown.
It was great being a senior. I'm really passionate about success and I see noting less for me in the future. I'm passionate about being a person that people look up to. I'm passionate about making money so my kids and family don't have to struggle. I'm passionate about money in general. I'm passionate about life and that I wake up every morning .
I'm very excited for you!