Saturday, April 11, 2015

Free Choice

Did you ever sit down in think about life?
why it is so hard?
why after something bad happens... not to short after it's something again ?
When is enough going to be enough?
My life far from easy but I believe that's what made me the person I am today,
Yeah I changed but who doesn't.
I think people get caught in a fantasy world,
where you et what you want,
where's there an happy ending to relationships
and friendships last forever.
But that's not the truth.
We go to high school dreaming of this big rich life with lots of friends and fun.
In all reality we go to school to get a degree to then get a job to live good.
Sometimes that doesn't even happen even after paying thousands of dollars.
I just want to be successful.
I don't want the big cars and big mansions.
I just want to be set for life and make sure my sister good.
I don't have time to entertain things that aren't helping me.
The key to life is...
know who your REAL friends are
remember who helped when you needed it
and never forget where you came from.

The only person I grind for is my mother,
because even though she not here I know she looking down on me with a BIG SMILE.


  1. I'm sure you'll make your mother proud.

  2. I think about why life is so hard all the time. Knowing who your real friends are plays a lot on working through hard times in life.
