Alright, so in the Hook of the song the lines What you grindin' for? Just tell me what you grindin' for Who you grindin' for? Just tell me who you grindin' for ? are repeated. There is a purpose a purpose behind the song, which is to get people think who and what are the reasons your aiming to be successful. When I listen to this song it really touches me because everybody don't want to be to go to college to be success and some people are doing it because their parents are making them. But, there are people whop have nobody so they have to grind for themselves and be the reason they succeed. So those being the first two sentences of the hook which starts off the song is very powerful.
I gotta make it, all or nothin'
Turn that nothin' into somethin'
Turn that nothin' into somethin'
Ain't tryna to work no 9 to 5, I gotta hustle, bro
I had to quit that shit I had to get my hustle on
I had to quit that shit I had to get my hustle on
This whole song is like a motivation to me because you can hear her struggle. In the lines above she basically saying I don't want a regular job so she has no other reason but to make it, it's all or nothing, and that nothing is going to be the thing that pushes her. That's how I feel everyday like working at McDonald's or Macy's is not what I want to do. I am going to be more in life so whatever I have to do I'm going to do no ifs ands or buts. You have to eventually stop what is leading you down the wrong road in order to get on the right track to becoming what you want to be.
Say what's your purpose, dawg, tell me what's your purpose, dawg?
What do people really do what they do for? Why do people want to be rich? Why do people want to become basketball and football players? Everybody has a purpose. People are driven by different situations and reasons. So whats you purpose? I know my purpose and that's why I am going to succeed. Just because a person doubts you doesn't mean you nothing. How many people you think that Obama wouldn't become president? As long as you put your ALL into something your not going to let yourself fail because that's not going to be an option for you. I really love this song !
I'd like to actually hear the song. I think you should play it for me sometime after school next week.