Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Free Write (Senior Year)

OMG ! It's really my senior year . I always dreamed about the day I would finally be able to say I am a senior . Reality is scary and you find out things like that during your senior year . Yesterday , September 23 which was my birthday , my school took us to a SUNY college fair . I remember the first time I went to a college  fair I cried like real tears .  Apart of senior year is going through the whole college application process only if you want to go to college . When you go to your first college fair it is nerve racking . You going to all the college stations that colleges you are interesting in but as soon as you start asking questions and they answer you start to freak out. Colleges start hitting you with you need a 90+ average to even be able to apply to there school . You start to think you'll never get into school .  College your really by yourself . I'm so going to miss everybody in my class and some people from the school . Class of 2015 , we are the best . I been friends with some of these people since 4th grade and to think the people you seen everyday for years aren't going to be there . Everybody are going to go there separate ways  , you have to grow up one day . I'm just trying to past all of my classes this year that would be beautiful if all the teachers would just give me a 85-95 in there class that would make everything so much easier . Why do we even have to take classes our senior year we don't need not of them but that's only if you on track .  I'm so excited for senior year and all the activities ; senior trip , prom , graduation , picture day , the year in general . I made it forget what everybody else talking about I'm going to do me . People don't never think . Is college right for me ? I am going to be successful in college ? In life ? This are the question people don't stop to ask themselves . I'm not saying I'm not going yo college because I am I'm just saying . Adults or people always suggest college , yes you can go far in life with college but so can you without . School isn't for everybody people learn and do better in different environments . 


  1. This definitely gives me a good perspective on where you are right now. However, it is not easy to understand what you are writing. You should have paragraphs. Periods should come after words. Make sure you read your writing before you post!

  2. Yoo Wassup Lavonnie.. Real Talk College Is For Anybody Striving For It No Matter What Your Grades Lookin Like. Might Not Be The Best College But It's The Same Degree. So Just Make Sure You Do Ya Thing Alright ����
