Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Passionate Blog

I have an new passion.... knitting !  I really enjoy knitting it's fun. I'm working on a hand band and I cant wait until its finish so I can brag and tell everyone I made it. My wonderful teacher, Ms. Hegeman, started a knitting club and has the whole school is in a knitting frizzy. Knitting is good for the soul,especially if your an angry one, it calms you down. 

Another thing that I am passionate about is college. OMG, i could not wait until i leave for college. I swear that's going to be the solution to all my problems. I'm passionate about my future and how my future will turn out. I just want to meet new people, socialize, party,study and make money. I'm tired of doing the same things everyday in and out, its boring.

Where do i see myself? I really don't know what career field i see myself in but I know i want to be more than finical stable , i want to be able to provide for my family and make sure my sister and nephew don't have to worry about nothing. I'm passionate about succeeding because come on who wants to be a failure. My job is to succeed, I'm my own critic and sometimes that shouldn't be the case but that how it is. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Class Related Response

In Physics, we had to created a projectile launcher. We had to create a launcher that would launch an object 3 meters or longer. This project was like the best! My partner and I , which was Miles, had fun doing this project I would say. 

I like creative projects that have a good balance between no rules and rules , if you understand what I mean. We had to first stretch what our launcher would look like then we got to building! Through this process it was a lot of wood,screws,rubber bands and marbles. Our final project looked nice , I never thought I could do anything like that. 

In my Pre-Cal class, my teacher is trying to prepare us for the Algebra 2/Trigonometry regents. I been taking it serious because I feel like people don't put me in the same category as the rest of the people in my classes, people underestimate me. I been going to tutoring at my after school and we took a test last Friday and I got the highest score , 95% !

I'm going to graduate , some will believe in me and some won't , it's life!