Caught on camera: NYPD officer cracks alleged fare beater in head with nightstick
When is the government and authorities going to stand up for people? Aren't the police suppose to protect and serve? Actions like this are unnecessary , just like when black were hosed and beaten with nightsticks to be put in "order." People are untitled to rights , everybody is untiled to rights. The law is unfair it's plain and simple. Look at all the accidents that have happened in the past couple of years.
Things need to change. Why is that minorities are always being attacked? No offense but when was the last time you heard about a white person getting beat or killed by a cop ? There are a lot of question in the atmosphere. When will they be answers? Its scary that it won't change . Young black hispanic and blacks shouldn't have to worry about getting stopped and harassed by police . It hits home because my nephew will eventually be a statics. People should be able to live without being in fear . The only way violence could stop is if police stop first !