Friday, November 21, 2014

Self-Selected Response

Caught on camera: NYPD officer cracks alleged fare beater in head with nightstick

In the clip that I've given you the link to above , a young man got hit  in the head by a police officer's nightstick. I don' t know about anybody else but I am tired of every week police being apart of another violent attack on a minorities. When I first watched the video it kinda hurt because, in the first couple of seconds , you see a young man get hit with a nightstick in the head by a police officer then run . Throughout the video the you can tell there was no reason for the extreme force that was used. In Participation in Government , where discussion a variety if things from your rights to criminal and civil cases. So know I have a little more knowledge about law and enforcing it. What is allowed and what isn't.

When is the government and authorities going to stand up for people? Aren't the police suppose to protect and serve? Actions like this are unnecessary , just like when black were hosed and beaten with nightsticks to be put in "order." People are untitled to rights , everybody is untiled to rights. The law is unfair it's plain and simple. Look at all the accidents that have happened in the past couple of years.

Things need to change. Why is that minorities are always being attacked? No offense but when was the last time you heard about a white person getting beat or killed by a cop ?  There are  a lot of question in the atmosphere. When will they be answers? Its scary that it won't change . Young black hispanic and blacks shouldn't have to worry about getting stopped and harassed by police . It hits home because my nephew will eventually be a statics. People should be able to live without being in fear . The only way violence could stop is if police stop first !

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Interdisciplinary post

I do not know how I am going to survive college ! Welcome to the life of a senior . This past week I had about 3-4 mental breakdowns , the amount of work we are getting is overwhelming .  I understand when you go to college you will be getting assignments from almost all of your classes  but this is crazy . 

On Wednesday I had a pre-cal test , was given a Physics project and was assigned an essay that was do on Monday . I have a first draft of a paper for Ms.Hegeman also due Monday . Next , on Thursday I had to present my Supreme Court case to the class for my participation in government class . Then on Friday , which is going to be a half of day , I have a lovely presentation I'm my AP Lit class . 

I know teaches talk amongst each other so do they not know all these due dates over lap . I might sound like I'm complaining but I'm just expressing my opinion . On top of all these class assignments , we have to apply for colleges ! I knew senior year was going to be hard but gosh somebody could of warned me with specific details . 

My senior class just has to suck it up I guess . We are about to enter the real world were people won't care about others things only  there's . Maybe , teachers are trying to build us as stronger students so we could manage our time so we don't get overwhelmed . All I know is this marking period I have to do way better than I did first marking period . 

All these classes are stressful along with the college process but I'm going to come out senior year alive , Trust me .